Selama masa pengelolaannya Himateka di tuntut untuk bisa mensosialisasikan dunia Teknik kimia dan mempopulerkan nama Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, serta di beri tanggung jawab untuk bisa menampung, mengkaji, menyalurkan dan merealisasikan aspirasi yang di suarakan oleh Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia sehingga HIMATEKA mampu mengembangkan sumber daya manusia di Jurusan Teknik Kimia serta membekali Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia dengan berbagai soft skills yang dapat menunjang keilmuan keteknik kimiaan.

The Paidera site is one of the profit sites from the Internet that is used all over the world, where you register on the site, then do a lot of different methods and tasks, and in return you get dollarsĪnswer to question is Paidera honest or not? Yes, the Paidera site is considered one of the honest Internet profit sites, as there are a lot of payment proofs that indicate the authenticity of the PAIDERA site. Therefore, today we will know whether or not the paidera site is valid, and if it is honest, what is the method for registering for the paidera. Of course, the field of profit from the Internet is very wide, and there are many people who have made a lot of money by working on the Internet, but they certainly have encountered many untruthful sites that claim to give money and profit from it. Paidera is one of the sites that always raises controversy, as many people who work in the field of profit from the Internet question the credibility of the Paidera site. Is the honest paidera site | Explain paidera website in detail