It is best to ignore them since the story is your standard Mercenaries on a rescue mission affair where you are trying to save a scientist from an evil organization. The story is mainly presented through codex based conversations that seem to be inspired from Metal Gear Solid series.

The missions that you can attempt in Mercenary Kings don’t have much to offer in term of story. In co-op, you have almost every option available from local split-screen that supports up to 4 players, or by playing online where people can join you in a lobby through the central hub and then attempt missions together. It is a completely different story if you attempt the game in co-op and this is where the true potential of the game begins.
It is incredibly hard to play through each mission just alone and fairly boring if you attempt to do some of the higher level challenges. The mission structure is repetitive and the same applies to enemies. On the surface, this all sounds interesting however the execution in Mercenary Kings is ultimately a little disappointing. This central hub is where you will spend your time by crafting and customizing weapons, upgrading your armor, installing mods, or getting items that can help you during a mission. The missions are all given through a central hub which remains intact from the original release with some minor tweaks. There is a also a randomly generated loot based system that can offer materials needed to craft or upgrade your weapons and armor. You are dealing with a standard shoot-em up gameplay here, but with the twist of upgrades and the ability to customize weapons. The best part about this upgrade is that it is available completely free of cost, but does it really offer enough enhancements to give it a chance again? Although on the surface, a lot of the gameplay design is kept intact. The reloaded version features new characters and weapons in addition to some quality of life improvements. It had a strong focus on co-op and a difficulty curve that might prove a little too steep for some players. The game was available on PlayStation Plus as a free release so those who didn’t buy it were still able to play it through the subscription. It originally launched for the PS4 and PC back in early 2014. Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition is not exactly a brand new game. The focus of the game is more on a mission based structure where you go through a variety of ranks and the emphasis on playing this in multiplayer is pretty clear cut. The inspiration stops here though, as the rest of the game doesn’t come close to the fun levels and unique boss battles offered by Metal Slug. The inspiration is pretty clear as soon as you boot the game, and it even has the same character select screen. Mercenary Kings is an old-school side-scrolling shooter in the same vein as the popular Metal Slug series.